Ambu Bag
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Choose The Most Suitable Ambu Bag For Positive-Pressure Ventilation
Ambu Bag or manual resuscitator is a hand-held device commonly used for patients who are not breathing adequately or not breathing at all by providing positive-pressure ventilation. This device is ideal for the successful resuscitation of patients during an emergency. We have different types and sizes of Ambu bags. Adult Ambu bags can be used for adults of any age, while child Ambu bags are made specifically for infants and neonates. Our Ambu bag is ideal for respiratory failure, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and conscious sedation.
Choose from a wide range of Ambu bags
We have different types of Ambu bags available for BVM ventilation purposes. Some of them are equipped with a pressure valve, while others have one-way expiratory valves to prevent the entry of room air. One way expiratory valve bags allow more than 90% oxygen delivery to ventilated and spontaneously breathing patients. Bags lacking this valve feature offer high oxygen concentration during positive pressure ventilation and 30% oxygen during spontaneous breaths. We have premium quality Ambu bags in both adult and paediatric sizes. These are all made with high-grade and non-toxic materials.